Monday, September 04, 2006

Stingrays 1, Antagonizing Celebrity 0

Well I’m sure you’ve heard by now that Steve Irwin, better known as the Crocodile Hunter, died from a stingray barb to the heart. Normally docile, the 8ft across stingray may have felt cornered when Irwin and camera crew approached. Supposedly, this is only the third fatality linked to stingrays, so I guess there are about a million office pools in Australia and the U.S. paying out some pretty long odds…

(My money was on Bearded Dragon Blocking Breathing)

Here’s a great site that has compiled “
Creatures that have bitten Steve Irwin”.

Wonder if Paul Hogan will attend the funeral?

*Breaking News: Austraila is considering a State funeral for him

1 comment:

The dykes next door said...

But you have to admit that the dragon in the photograph is pretty cute!