Thursday, September 07, 2006

Stinging Commentary

Main Entry: iro·ny Pronunciation: 'I-r&-nE also 'I(-&)r-nEFunction: nounInflected Form(s): plural -niesEtymology: Latin ironia, from Greek eirOnia, from eirOn dissembler1 : a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other's false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning -- called also Socratic irony 2 a : the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning b : a usually humorous or sardonic literary style or form characterized by irony c : an ironic expression or utterance3 a (1) : incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2) : an event or result marked by such incongruity b : incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play -- called also dramatic irony, tragic irony

If only he had stuck with the stuffed...

Am I the only one who noted Irwin died after abandoning work on a series called "Ocean's Deadliest"?

But weather had prevented the crew from doing work for that program, Stainton said, so Irwin decided to do some softer features for a new children's TV show he was doing with his daughter, Bindi.


Anonymous said...

By the way, the Zoo is looking for volunteers to man the StingRay Exhibit next Spring -- Seems there's an exciting new feature -- seems they found a good-size stingray who's missing his barb..... Any takers?

The dykes next door said...

I suppose that some people might say that I am taking his death too seriously, but Steve Irwin was bigger than life...and when you watched him, you felt as though you knew him. When I read about his death online, it felt like someone that I knew personally had died. It really disturbed me. This was a man who spent his life trying to educate people about conservation and respect for animals, and who was, by all accounts a devoted husband and father. To die in a freak accident like this at such a young age was heartbreaking. There aren't many men that I respect or that I think of as "good" men. But that's the way I regarded Steve Irwin. He will be missed by millions, but mostly by his wife and children. Sorry, I can't join in the fun. It's just not funny to me.

Maybe if we're lucky, someone in the Bush administration will meet an untimely end, and I can join in. But right now, I'm grieving for Steve.

Get A Life! said...

Go Rumsfeld!!

The dykes next door said...

Yeah, he'd by my choice as well.