Friday, May 20, 2005

Doctored Blog

Just saw the last episode of ER featuring Doctor Carter (Noah Wyle). I think he’s really cute and will miss him on the show, but my real crush was Dr. Romano. I wonder why they killed him off – contract dispute? I wanted to write an episode where he met a paleontologist (think Sue) who was at the Field on assignment and left to go fossil hunting in Mongolia, breaking his heart. I’ll have to pick another character to use that script on…

Worried about my car with the freak hailstorm we had today. I’ll have to inspect it carefully in the morning. Saw a car I really liked in the parking lot at work: a Dodge Stratus. It was black and a little sporty-looking. But this brings up the fact that someone already has the car I want…I can’t possibly get the same one! Today it was sporting a fuzzy leopard steering wheel cover and plastic cherries from the rear view mirror. Now I’m really dying to know who owns it Perhaps I could get a similar one and put some decals on it to make it unique. Love black. Impossible to keep clean, but for one shining moment it’s breathtaking.

Am I the only one suspicious about how Jesse Jackson was so quick to forgive Vicente Fox? Skeptical about the inert grenade heaved at Bush in Georgia? Even more incredulous that they have a “Freedom Square” to gather in? The only one who thinks there’s a connection between the deaths of select Lincoln Park Zoo animals and Condoleeza Rice’s foreign policy? Or the small aircraft invading D.C. airspace precisely when Nancy Regan and Laura Bush were having a meeting? Don’t worry; I’ll tie all of these up in a unified conspiracy theory for you soon.
From Jay Leno’s Tonight Show Monolog: Did you hear President Bush wants to explore alternative energy sources? His new solar power plan involves sending troops to the sun…

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