Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Miracle of the Peas and Fishes

One Fish, Two Fish
Red Fish (Daytona)
Blue Fish (Indy)

For those of you* who were wondering how Indy the Siamese Fighting Fish with the swim bladder problem was doing, the answer is much better!

I did the whole fast and feed peas thing, and it didn’t seem to help. In fact, at one point a week and a half ago, I’d say he was doing worse. I figured it was the sewer pipe for my little pet, when all of a sudden this weekend he seemed much better. Perky, hungry, and for the first time in months: raising and lowering himself throughout the bowl with no sign of a struggle!

Hopefully as we approach his ‘coming home from Wal-Mart anniversary date’ he will continue to do well and enjoy all a 3” diameter habitat can offer. I love you Indy! Thanks for hanging in there!

*As a wild guess, I’d say I have about three readers; and only one cared, but hey, that’s 33%!

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