Saturday, May 27, 2006

Car Care Advice Sought

You know subtle is your middle name when the guy at the decal shop says, “Are you sure you want one that small?” Yes. I don’t want it to clash with my wheels.

Have to say I’m still extremely satisfied with this RSX S-Type. The Toyota GTS turned a few heads, but this one is being challenged to drag races. I can’t drive across town without some young guy in a modified Honda gunning the engine as they pass me, hoping I’ll engage. Sorry, all stock here. Besides, no desire to get a ticket. See you at the track.

The new wheels are proving a challenge, however. The rust from the brakes somehow leaks out the lug-nut holes when wet, causing an unsightly stain. Please let me know if you’ve encountered this problem and if there is a solution other than carrying Q-Tips around and fanatically swabbing.

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