Saturday, July 09, 2005

Orange Alert Blog

Face it; Bush wasn’t too keen on giving any money to Africa. Just about killed him to give some to the Tsunami victims. His whole cowboy persona is geared to ‘we can go it alone’, an adjunct to his ‘if you’re not with us, you’re against us’ mentality. Blair was expecting something from him, and suddenly became expendable. Rather than lose face by not supporting G-8, it was much easier to turn the tables and have the British public call for the withdrawal of troops, allowing Bush to cast them as the deal-breakers. If the other nations suddenly band with the U.S. to Fight Terrorism (i.e. preemptively invade a few more countries) all the better. Win-Win. The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe? Not so secret. Not so European.

Saw Mayor Daley ranting about how the city of Chicago was taking all kinds of safety measures and putting mass transit on high alert for terrorist activities. Unless one of the terrorists checked a book out of the Chicago Public Library, we’ll never catch him.
Oh, wait. What if they tried to board the El with a sparkler? Then we’d nab ‘em.

Explosive-sniffing dogs are being used to patrol airports and train stations. Why can’t we get some Bad-Intention sniffing dogs? Dogs can identify cancer. Why not extremism?

Condolence-ezza Rice wrote of Thursday’s bombing victims: “They will not have died in vain.” Whew! I know I’d feel better knowing I died to further her political career.

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