Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Low, Low, Cure Rates, Everyday!

Ah, the evil genius that is Wal-Mart.

Foiled (temporarily) in their attempt to enslave the 90% of Americans it counts as customers by
branching into the banking business, Wal-Mart just announced plans to expand the number of health clinics it operates.

Hmmm...this only has my best interests at heart, right? Or should I say only interested in my best heart as in a "spare part" for Sam, kept in suspended animation in amniotic fluid somewhere in
the bomb shelter several stories below the Bentonville store?

How handy. A clinic to tell their employees no need for a sick day. To push certain high-margin drugs. To become another cog in the Medicaid/Medicare wheel. To be the 'low bidder' on Public Assistance care.

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