Monday, August 01, 2005

Sign O' the Times

It just doesn’t get any better than this.

Our city’s Economic Development Corporation* has donated money towards a sign. A big, flashing, accident-causing-eyesore of a sign, to be exact. This electronic billboard will be placed downtown to announce school and city events. I guess the existing tote board with its static letters just isn’t good enough. Encouraging cell-phone using motorists to try and read detailed messages in light pixels as they cross the intersection is a much better idea. Well, actually, depending on which way the board faces, you may have up to four minutes to read the messages, since the traffic lights there are idiotic.

Anyhoo…at an estimated cost of $30K, this is a really good investment. Especially since one of the planned uses of the sign is to tell everyone when the next school board meeting asking for more funds is to take place. Let’s see… thirty thousand dollars could buy how many books? How much PE equipment? Teacher’s aide positions? Speaking of positions – what about that new $40,000 a year position of ‘Public Relations Director’ for the school district. Why can’t that person drive out to my house to tell me the schools need more money? They don’t want to leave an air-conditioned office? The sign will do so much more for city morale….

*Motto: We Know it’s a Hell-Hole, That’s Why So Many of Us Don’t Even Live Here

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