Friday, April 28, 2006

Will a Frango Under Any Other Flagship Still Taste as Sweet?

Still seething from the impending Macy’s takeover of the Marshall Field’s chain (are they going to rename it Macy’s Museum of Natural History?* The heretics!!) I am eyeing the Frango flap with skepticism. Too little, too late, I fear. As per my earlier posts, I see no reason to change the Field’s name and have sworn to never shop there under the Macy banner.

Amazingly, an
article on the front page of the Chicago Tribune points out some tempting reasons to re-think the prohibition on spending my hard-earned retail dollars at 111 N. State ever again.

Seems Macy’s is trying to get Frango production back into the city, something that never should have left. Yes, it’s due to foreign sugar competition (I tend to be anti-free trade, unlike
KaneCitizen. But let’s face it; I’m pretty much anti-everything.) but the candies weren’t cheap to begin with. Oooh! I wonder if the Gold Coast condos give those out for Halloween? Only one way to find out…

They also depict a tasteful awning that says Macy’s below the metal nameplate of Field’s, which will be allowed to remain on the building. I guess the clock stays too.

Refurbishing plans include washing the building (oh, that will stay clean about as long as my car. The black one.) and restoring the elevator to the 28 shop. Like I could ever dream of shopping there. We kind of wandered through it on our
audio tour, and saw some cool funky outfits that would require a large inheritance. Also on the drawing board are plans for valet parking (like I’d drive downtown?) and having customers announced by a doorman and greeted by their favorite sales associate. Oh, I’ll get that service, I’m sure. More like the You Can’t Afford This, Keep Moving raised eyebrow. I get that one a lot.

One of the more unusual features will be the addition of a fresh food court. Great. I can buy an orange on the lower level, and by the time my hands are good and sticky I’ll be on fourth-floor furs. Stellar idea.

But they haven’t announced the scale-tipper. Will they clean the ladies restroom???

*I need to do some research. What if Macy’s owners are a bunch of Creationists?


KaneCitizen said...

Time out there! I am a huge supporter of free trade and and opponent of protectionism!

Get A Life! said...

I am so sorry! I meant to type UN-like. I have corrected it. Thanks!!


BTW-I took the test you referenced and scored "David Koresh"

Have to go build a bomb shelter now-