Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I'm Back Blog

Too tired too write tonight, but I will fill you in on my little adventure to the southern regions of our state. In the meantime, I would like to point out that my blog now allows anonymous posts! So if you’ve been lurking in the background but just dying to say something, please do! No one will know who you are. Except me of course. With only 4 readers, I can pretty much figure out who you are by your grammatical errors. But post anyway.

Real quick – where does Bush keep finding these spinsters? I thought the whole Janet Reno thing was an anomaly. Guess not. And what about that boat that capsized, killing twenty-one senior citizens? Sounds like a new Medicare initiative to me.

Can the weather get any better? It’s October 4, and 85 degrees! Yes!!!!!!! May it always be this way. Because I Blog So.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You have more than four readers, don't forget to count some certain somebody (who cannot be named due to paranoia), she reads it, she just isn't possessed with the need to comment. I can tell you for a fact that several of my regular blog readers have read your blog, some more than once.
They always ask "who is that getalife?".
I say "she was my very first girlfriend."
They just nod their heads understandingly as if that explains everything.

edited by request