Monday, October 10, 2005

Would You Like Literature With That?

There's two O's in Books...

Hmmm. Seems a local library is seeking to attract more male patrons.

...Library staff members are looking for a few good men.
To help library officials with the process, the library has been awarded a $38,500 grant to buy materials and conduct programs that would draw more men and boys into the library. The Illinois Secretary of State's Library Services and Technology Act awarded the grant, reference librarian Martha Hansen said.

Only 25 percent of library patrons are male, Hansen said, and less than 50 percent of cards issued are to males. Hansen said the library planned to buy more items geared toward men and boys, such as graphic novels and anime films. Possible programs the library is considering include an antique-car show, a visit from an athlete,and a men's book club. Plans also are in the works to form a men's advisory council.

"We want to focus on our male clients and put in library materials they'd be interested in checking out," she said. Hansen said the library also would need volunteers to help with the planning because 98 percent of the staff is female.

Budget Proposal:

$1500 Graphic Novels
$1500 Anime DVDs
$500 Orange Short-Shorts (Staff Uniforms)
$35,000 Plastic Surgery for staff, so they get ‘checked out’

Result: Only the male librarian gets wait listed

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