Sunday, September 25, 2005

Smells Like Teen Spirit

"I think it's always great when you can get back to celebrating"

Repeated paintball attacks on local businesses, staff member’s homes and vehicles caused District 50 officials to (gasp!) cancel a Homecoming pep rally and skit night. This is especially devastating, given that your average vandal has placed such a high value on attending and participating in events designed to promote school spirit and support for athletic teams.

Who howled the loudest? Why the parents, of course. Rushing in to save the day, they secured a nearby banquet hall and
let the kids put on festivities there. Local media reports neglect to mention if this hall was rented or donated for the last-minute change in venue.

At any rate, I hope this case is solved, as it would certainly be interesting to see which teens are to blame in the attacks. Ones that attended the off-site skit night thanks to parental intervention? Ones that did not? The answers might surprise us.

The bottom line is parents and administrators are not listening to their youth. The young people of the community have spoken. Cancel the archaic football contests. I’ll bet there is much more adult support (and pressure) for football in the unrealistic pursuit of scholarships and glory-days reminiscing than any student body interest.

Cancel the football game. Let the kids play paintball on the field to their heart’s content. Set up obstacles and play capture the flag. If football is a battle, and chess is a war - paint ball can only be regarded as excellent training for the next Gulf Conflict. It's never too early to prepare the adults of tomorrow for the execution of conflicts started by yesterday’s C students of Yale.

1 comment:

KaneCitizen said...

If it was anything like the skit nights I remember, the punishment should have been compulsory attendance.