Sunday, December 11, 2005

It's all relative

Could Einstein himself solve Indiana’s time zone problems? Should time zones be tied to commerce or along state lines? Is driving back in time every day to get to your job harmful?


Unknown said...

you haven't mentioned you are a stargate fan before this...

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing!

Anonymous said...

So many questions! Do you begin to doubt at last? Wonder? Ponder? My confidence in Einstein continues, despite the reports that he is dead. My real concern is your question about driving back in time each day to get to work. Yes!!!! It is harmful. ANYTIME you drive to work, it is harmful. Don't get me wrong, it's not the drive itself, rather the "work". The underlying problem is the overall intent of the employer to dehumanize you through brow-beating, overwork, overscheduling, and the incredible lack of any kind of ego-pampering. Add to that, under-trained, misguided supervisors who remember an overbearing teacher from the early grades whose "virtues" are adopted and capitalized upon. At that point, time travel could only be the ANSWER!