Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Sixth Gear

Tickets, I See Tickets

Loving the new vehicle, just wish I could truly appreciate its potential.

As I navigate a twisty road in the colorful November landscape, I can't help but think how much more fun it would be at twice the speed. It's as if the car whispers: Look, we both know I can do this corner at 70. Move away from the brake...No one is looking...

Did you hear about
Coors beer selling brewing byproduct as a fuel additive, an Ethanol type filler? Of course, they claim it reduces harmful emissions and reduces dependence on foreign oil. What they don't tell you is it's still a carcinogen and rusts internal engine parts when used at the 10% level allowed in Illinois due to the corn lobby.

If they don't lower the price of gas soon, I'll be making my own gas in a still out back. Prices have fallen slightly as refineries in the gulf recover from hurricanes, but we still bear the burden of preemptive war at the pump.


Unknown said...

i've been putting 10% ethanol in my car since i moved to nebraska. no problems yet.

you'll have to explain this rust thing to me, let me see, you have an additive that will take water out of gasoline, and somehow it increases rust? not a whole lot of free oxygen in ethanol. i guess i will plead a little ignorance in relation to chemical reactions at high temperatures, but with no ionic salts involved in the reaction between gasoline, ethanol, and molecular oxygen, it is hard for me to understand how the rust occurs.

unless the research you are quoting was done by the american petroleum institute.

Get A Life! said...

You are correct, I used the term Rust in error. What ethanol does is accelerate engine wear and break down fuel lines, especially in older cars.

Unknown said...

dang it, you just took ALL the fun out of me being a know it all.