Wednesday, March 12, 2008

This Stuff NEVER Happens When I Am There

You may recall my recent trip to the Mall of America and the huge aquarium there. Seems back in January, one large shark scooped up a smaller shark in it's mouth. Now I think if this Sandtiger really wanted to dispatch the the little gal, she could have. The alert staff was able to dislodge Fish Stick before any permanent damage was done. As per usual, the excitement doesn't happen when I'm around. (Need I mention the uneventful evening with Sigfried and Roy where no one was hurt?) Many lucky visitors obtained photos and videos of the event. I think this is an excellent opportunity to study 'shark memory' and 'shark grudges'. You go, behavioral ichthyologists!

Officials at the Mall of America announced the small shark that was attacked by a larger shark last month has made a full recovery.

Little Shark 54, a 50-pound female White Tip Reef Shark, spent 20 minutes in the jaws of Jesse, a 300-pound Sandtiger Shark, in January.

A special team of doctors at Underwater Adventures was able to nurse the Little Shark 54 back to health.

Officials announced her name would be changed to Fish Stick.

"Fish Stick is the name that won our hearts over," said Todd Peterson, CEO of Underwater Adventures. "She almost became lunch for Jesse, but she survived. We'll remember forever that vivid photo of her tail hanging from Jesse's mouth."

Fish Stick and the other four sharks, which have been isolated in a separate tank since the attack, were released back into the mall aquarium’s Shark Cove on Wednesday.

They're back swimming in the large 500,000-gallon salt-water tank with stingrays, turtles and sharks, including Jesse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With scientists knowing so little about the shark (come on, WHAT DO they know?), how do they really know this wasn't some kind of shark foreplay, and "Little Shark 54" wasn't actually a partner in some bizarre sex play? Looking at the difference between their sizes, I'm thinking that if Jesse really had the munchies, Little Shark 54 would have easily been sushi.....Just an observation.