Thursday, September 20, 2007


Despite persistent rumors that this blog was shut down due to subversive content, I am still alive and well. I just haven't made the time to blog lately, and really, there's no excuse. The Blog Fodder folder is overflowing, and I promise to try and work through it soon.

I haven't been blading since the 'tar pit' incident, and I may just put the skates away for the year. The mosquitoes are so bad I've dubbed my walks with Cyrus 'the two thousand meter slap'. Then a cold spell whooshed through, bringing with it my annual Winter Depression. I tried bundling up to do a two thousand meter shiver, but guess what? The mosquitoes are still out there!!

This weekend I'll be too busy to blog, but I promise to be back with more caustic commentary than you can swat a skeeter with.

(In fact, I must share a little slice of my Getalife: If I wasn't depressed enough about the impending Ice Age, I was once again reminded of my lifelong regret #1 Never Landed a Job Working as a Comedy Writer. Seems the woman who does my nails said she was waiting to hear what I had to say about the whole OJ thing. When people look to you instead of Jay Leno and David Letterman for humorous commentary, you've missed your calling. Sniff! No one can hear you cry in cyberspace.)

Funfest or bust!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I didn't know I was also adding to your angst when I mentioned I was waiting for your input about the whole microwave popcorn thing...!!! Sorry! However, who says your life is over! Keep Blogging away, and doing all the other things you're so good at!!! There is still time to make your bigger mark! By the way, did you print and cut out the Funfest or Bust sign and display it? I'm anxious to hear more!Besides, it makes me feel good to hear someone else is dealing with crisis!
~~~ Louise

Anonymous said...

lots of great stuff. AL from my Q.